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Who was Nasiruddin Albani Salafi?

This video is not meant to offend anyone; everything mentioned is based on reliable sources.

Our view is that the knowledge of every person's inner conditions and intentions are best known to Almighty Allah. Hence, we cannot question his intentions and inner aspirations. However, what we wish to comment on is his method of compilation and outward impression. Allah knows best.

Nasiruddin Albani was and still is a leading figure to the people who claim to be of the Salafi methodology. There is much material on him, Allah only knows the authenticity of it. Some have gone as far as condemning him, others not so much, but there is legitimate basis of concern nevertheless.

In this lecture Sheikh ul hadith Abdur Raheem Abu Nauman gives an erudite account of the issues regarding this individual which is very important for educational purposes.

Contents of the lecture:

Re-categorising authenticity hadiths
His teachers and background.
His extradition from Madina and its reasons

More sources of research "Albani Unveiled":

Brought to you by the Hanafi fiqh channel"

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