73 Questions With Selena Gomez | Vogue
Whether it's acting, singing, or appearing on the cover of Vogue, Selena Gomez is doing it all. Instagram's biggest star invites Vogue in and takes a shot at answering 73 unexpected questions. Selena reveals the last movie that made her cry, the food she can't live without, and her favorite jingle of all-time.
"Kill Em with Kindness" cover by Marie Britten: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=anqrJWPCNlU
Filmed in a single shot, we ask some of our favorite personalities 73 questions to see what they like, what they hate, and most importantly – what they know.
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73 Questions With Selena Gomez | Vogue
Created by: Joe Sabia
"Kill Em with Kindness" cover by Marie Britten: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=anqrJWPCNlU