Daphne - Here To Stay (Album Sampler)
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Daphne's 'HERE TO STAY' (Album Sample).© 2016 Stevens Music EntertainmentGet 'Here To Stay' Now: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/here-to-stay/id1068300801
“Here To Stay” is a beautiful collection of 19 tracks. A blend of songs that has their roots in Afrobeat, Makossa, Bikutsi, Pop, Salsa, Hip Hop and R&B all woven together seamlessly by Daphne’s sultry voice. Daphne invites you into a stunning escapade of life, its ups and downs and the power of hope. As you journey through the album, fans will get to experience stories told in rhythms and sounds that are familiar yet infectious in their arrangements. Daphne’s simplistic approach in song writing makes for easy listening when she addresses topics like mistrust on “Famla”, hope on “Sunshine”, dreams on “Shubidu” amongst many other everyday occurrences
Track List:
1) The Eye Ft Crispy & Flames (Complete Track)
2) Kumba Water (Snippet)
3) Mother's Love (Snippet)
4) Famla (Snippet)
5) Madingwa (Snippet)
6) One Spirit (Snippet)
7) Groove (Saka) (Snippet)
8) Allez Ft Les Featurist. (Snippet)
9) I Do (Snippet)
10) Sunshine (Snippet)
11) Gunshot (Snippet)
12) Ovasabi Ft M-Pro (Snippet)
13) Haters (Snippet)
14) Shubidu (Dark Angel) (Snippet)
15) Ya Song (Snippet)
16) Reflection (Snippet)
17) Broken (Snippet)
18) Ndola (Snippet)
19) Rastafari (Complete Track)
Get 'Here To Stay' Now:
iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/here-to-stay/id1068300801
Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/music/album/Daphne_Here_to_Stay?id=Bdastgltjgy4rmyxdaxp4xokxga
Buy Physical Copies:
Cameroon: Buea (Zech), Yaounde (Cafe De France), Douala (Cafe De France, Bamenda (Njeiforbi)
USA: http://www.amazon.com/Here-Stay-Daphne/dp/B01AIIYFZE/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1455305975&sr=8-2&keywords=Here+To+Stay+Daphne
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